Thursday, December 30, 2010

Welcome to the new Wood Family Reunion Blog!

Hey there..its Gina Brown, GB, Gi, Boogers and any other adoring name I have been given. :-) Just wanted to start off by saying how happy I am that we are gearing up for a well overdue reunion. Looking forward to using this blog, facebook, mail and other tools to make this reunion happen! Please make suggestions as often as possible as your participation is key! Love ya.


  1. Hello family, I'm so excited about us getting together, have tons of ideas. I would like for us to form committees to decide who will work on what.I had an idea for us to all submit pictures of our moments to remember and have a slide show of the pics at are welcoming ceremony. Also, develop a legacy of helping our kids succeed in life. A lot of our kids don't really know each other like we did. We have enough professional people in our family that can have workshops on the things that can improve our overall family survivial. Let's do this.

    Love ya

  2. Hey family
    I've never heard of the Blog, what a wonderful form of communication, thanks Gina. "Woods Family Reunion 2011" count me in. I can hardly wait. Tanya a family workshop is a great idea also. Love ya, stay tuned

  3. Hello family lets share the info we have in this blog with those who are not on FB,& submit their info to me.

  4. HELLO EVERYONE..........I think this is a good idea and long overdue i'm willing to help in anyway i can. I'm Miltons daughter I live in North Carolina it would be so nice to meet the rest of my family.

  5. Good to hear from you Cheryl, I met your brother Terry at your grandmother's funeral, & he express a desire to know the family. Keep in touch & let your other siblings know about the blog.

  6. Hello family we need your input so that we can move forward with a location & event planning. Please check the blog weekly or email or call me at & 757-594-9251 with your ideas & talents.

  7. I'd like to suggest a few locations to get us thinking about where we'd like to meet up for a summer spot. Here's a list of three with links to check out:

    1. Gullah Island, SC -
    2. Outer Banks, NC -

    3. Berkeley Springs, WVA -

    4. Dewey Beach, DE -

    If anyone else wants to suggest a place. Go for it now! We need to determine a location and set some dates ASAP.

  8. Hi family, first of all, thanks Gina, you are such a fantastic daughter. Main reason for this posting is my brother, Raymond will be out of town during the month of July, June too. He will be in Africa. He would be available in August, he is half of the family all by himself......kidding...but he would be so missed. Also we are looking into Yorktown YMCA and Gosnold Park for the family union location. More feedback on that topic if a few days. Stay tune. Love you all. C'mon, we need input.

  9. Hello family,
    The embassy suites no longer have rooms available for the weekend of the reunion. I will check with other hotels inthe same vicinity and get back with you.

  10. Hello,
    I just wanted to say that I had a great time at the family reunion; I really enjoyed being surrounded by family. Also, my sister took some pictures at the family reunion and I wanted to share them with everyone, but I don't see how to post them.

  11. I'm soooo glad we got together, I met cousins I never knew. Now we have to start preparing for our next reunion hopefully in the next 2 years, everyone please stay in touch.
